I tried many times to grow one of my favorite plants in my former garden in the beach community of Cardiff by the Sea. And it wasn’t because of the sea air that I wasn’t successful…other gardens in the neighborhood had it, but not mine. So when I moved to Ojai, I decided to try again. I bought a small one gallon specimen, planted it in the Spring of 2023, and today I have a mass of beautiful Matilija poppies that are 6 to 10 feet tall.
I don’t like to make up stories for the dolls that I create, but since some of them have wings, I now think that they would rather be outside flying with the bees than cooped up in the studio. The amazing blossoms of the Matilija poppies and the Texas tuberoses (Agave maculata), among others, would definitely attract them, as they do the bees and the gardener who planted them.
