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Wrona Gall




I create sweeping Cloudscapes with the ever shifting sky as my focus and muse. After a forty-year career painting in an industrial loft in Chicago, I moved to Ojai, California in 2015 where the open horizon of Ojai's natural beauty expanded my vision from city roof-tops with swatches of blue to vast horizons that glow with emotional intensity.


As a child, I often stared out my bedroom window and studied the movement of clouds to escape family drama. The evolving panorama suggested the possibility of change. The sky's mutability still provides a personal source of serenity that infuses my work. To create my translucent veils of color, I stopped using brushes and manipulate pigments directly with my hands.


I have a Master of Arts Education and have exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the country including the Art Institute of Chicago and the San Diego Museum of Art.



Ojai Studio Artists, 1129 Maricopa Hwy 243-B, Ojai  Calif  93023

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