Duane Dammeyer is a stone sculptor, carving many different types of stones in different styles.
Duane was raised in a small town in Ohio and studied engineering at the University of Cincinnati. After graduation, he came to California to work for the Navy at Pt. Mugu. Deciding that engineering was not his “life’s work,” he attended Ventura College of Law at night while working as an engineer. He received his law degree and became a Deputy Public Defender for Ventura County. After 30 plus years he was named the head Public Defender.
Sculpture has always been near the forefront in Duane’s life. In 1973, he traveled to Italy specifically to view the works of Michelangelo. In the 1980s, he began wood carving and in the 1990s, after taking sculpture classes at Ventura College (the teacher was a stone carver), he began carving stone. Upon retirement from the county, he became a “full-time” artist/stone carver.
Duane’s work is shaped by a combination of education, life events and artistic influences. Engineering influences the geometric forms; construction and stone masonry experience contribute to design and composition, and nature inspires his organic and fluid forms. He enjoys the challenge of making stone, which is rigid and hard, look flexible and soft.
Duane’s work has received numerous awards and is in collections worldwide.